Big Names in List Homosexuals Victims of Extortion Gang

New York Times Service It was also learned that more] NEW YORK Eminent than a thousand. victims had' educators, including a numpaid millions of dollars in exber of college professors and tortion, with some individuals at least two deans of eastern paying more than $20,000 to universities, prominent thea-ring member posing as policetrical personalities and of-men. Only a small number of ficers of the armed services persons have been willing to all homosexual-have been sign complaints.

the victims of a ring of exDISTRICT Atty. Frank S. tortionists that has operated Hogan announced Feb. 17 the throughout the nation for indictment of 17 defendants nearly 10 years. on charges of extortion and

SO BRAZEN IS the operasaid nine were in custody. tion that in one instance two More arrests are expected gang members, posing as New shortly.

York City detectives, walked Victims included a musician into the Pentagon and walked who has made numerous teleout with a high officer in the vision appearances and armed services. leading motion picture actor.

A man whom they shook down for several thousand dollars committed suicide the night before he was scheduled to testify before a New York County Grand Jury.

This was learned yesterday from the police and sources in the district attorney's office.
